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  1. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Grabber70Mach in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    My new plate arrived! 

  2. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from RPM in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    My new plate arrived! 

  3. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Phalanx in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    Test fitting the matching Dakota Digital controls. 

  4. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from bigmal in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    Sound clip with cutouts open...

  5. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from kblagron in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    My new plate arrived! 

  6. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from bigmal in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    My new plate arrived! 

  7. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Mach1 Driver in Who wants pictures back?   
  8. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from bigmal in SEMA in Las Vegas   
    Looks like I've been invited to SEMA this year. November 5-8, 2024. 
    Anyone else going? If so, we should connect. -Mark
  9. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from RPM in SEMA in Las Vegas   
    Looks like I've been invited to SEMA this year. November 5-8, 2024. 
    Anyone else going? If so, we should connect. -Mark
  10. Like
    AusTex70 reacted to 69RavenConv in How To Post Pictures   
    Still waiting on the much-needed update to the Invision Community forum software.
  11. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from bigmal in How To Post Pictures   
  12. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Mike65 in How To Post Pictures   
  13. Like
    AusTex70 reacted to Mike65 in Mike65's 69 Coupe build   
    It was 70° this morning after I got home from work, so I figured I would get in some Mustang time. I pulled the valve covers, distributor & spark plugs. I used a cordless drill long 1/4" drive extension & small socket to prime the engine with oil. Timed the engine, re-installed the spark plugs, valve covers & the distributor. 
  14. Like
    AusTex70 reacted to smh00n in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    I did the same for my Sniper handheld. Made up a steel bracket so I can hang my phone off there as well and hung it under the HVAC controls (No console in my poverty pack). Used an old phone mount and the stick on magnet on the handheld. Helps with getting it away from the sun glare during the day.
    There's some folks making a column mount for the Sniper, 
  15. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from kblagron in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    It's the 3.5 inch hand held screen that came with the sniper. I slapped together a magnetic mount, that way I can remove it and stick it in the glove box. 
    It was not going to be a permeant solution, but's it worked out well, and I have not come up better solution! Being magnetic, I can angle it, and move it around easily. 

    I used a round magnet that sticks to a round disc (from a old cell phone mount) and a Keeper MG hand gun magnet from Amazon. 

  16. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Grabber70Mach in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    It's the 3.5 inch hand held screen that came with the sniper. I slapped together a magnetic mount, that way I can remove it and stick it in the glove box. 
    It was not going to be a permeant solution, but's it worked out well, and I have not come up better solution! Being magnetic, I can angle it, and move it around easily. 

    I used a round magnet that sticks to a round disc (from a old cell phone mount) and a Keeper MG hand gun magnet from Amazon. 

  17. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Grabber70Mach in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    Test fitting the matching Dakota Digital controls. 

  18. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Maynard in Ebay Carpet Floor mats   
    PSA - I took a chance on some ebay floor mats from Turkey. They turned out much better than expected, and arrived with in a week. They are actually cut to correct shape, not a universal shape like my ACC mats. (Acc is the one on the right. ) He also said he can do custom shapes, I need one for my trunk. 


  19. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from SWPruett in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    It's the 3.5 inch hand held screen that came with the sniper. I slapped together a magnetic mount, that way I can remove it and stick it in the glove box. 
    It was not going to be a permeant solution, but's it worked out well, and I have not come up better solution! Being magnetic, I can angle it, and move it around easily. 

    I used a round magnet that sticks to a round disc (from a old cell phone mount) and a Keeper MG hand gun magnet from Amazon. 

  20. Like
    AusTex70 reacted to BobW70Mach1 in Ebay Carpet Floor mats   
    I saw your pictures and just ordered a set myself.  Thank you for the PSA.  I have always been disappointed in every set of carpet mats I have bought.  These look nice in your car.
  21. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from Mach1 Driver in Ebay Carpet Floor mats   
  22. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from kblagron in Ebay Carpet Floor mats   
    PSA - I took a chance on some ebay floor mats from Turkey. They turned out much better than expected, and arrived with in a week. They are actually cut to correct shape, not a universal shape like my ACC mats. (Acc is the one on the right. ) He also said he can do custom shapes, I need one for my trunk. 


  23. Like
    AusTex70 got a reaction from kblagron in 1970 Mach 1 - Texas Car   
    Test fitting the matching Dakota Digital controls. 

  24. Like
    AusTex70 reacted to Midlife in A New Milestone for Midlife Harness Restorations   
    Two days ago, I refurbished my 1000th underdash harness! I started the business on March 22, 2008, so it has taken some time to get to this point! Most of the work has been on harnesses, but there have been 53 Cougars, a smattering of Torinos, Montegos, and Falcons, but no trucks. My first truck was yesterday, # 1001! I would have reached this point earlier, but I've had 2 back surgeries, one hip replacement, and a Cat5 hurricane that interrupted work.

    Based upon the number of Mustangs produced, I was expecting more 65/66's than later years, but that's not the case. Clearly, 69 and 70's are the most popular, with 68 close behind, with all three accounting for 50% of my work. Part of this may be due to the costs and availability of reproductions (there are no 71-73 repros).
  25. Like
    AusTex70 reacted to RPM in Adding Electric door lock poppers   
    Hey Ed, my lower mounting screw is right at the bottom edge of area that your door trim panel is located. No reason it couldn't be mounted a quarter inch higher and be behind the trim panel.

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