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AusTex70 last won the day on October 15 2024

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About AusTex70

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  1. Looks like I've been invited to SEMA this year. November 5-8, 2024. Anyone else going? If so, we should connect. -Mark
  2. Next time your down this way, @TexasEd will meet you for a beer. We both live in N/W Austin. Iam in Real Estate, I can tell you first hand the market has been wacky these last few years! Sometime Austin feels like a small town, who knows.. I might know your brother? Been here almost 35 years.
  3. That is the town square of Georgetown Texas, about 30 north of Austin. They have a early morning car show once a month. Begins around 7:30am... done at 10am. There are shops, and a dinner in the square. IMO one of the best, show and shine car shows around. almost all classic cars and trucks. lets see if this link will work... facebook.com/100000231775626/videos/1286812216027855/
  4. Some photo's of the muffler install. Quicktime Time Cutouts - QTEC66 with Dynomax 17731 Super Turbo Muffler.
  5. It's the 3.5 inch hand held screen that came with the sniper. I slapped together a magnetic mount, that way I can remove it and stick it in the glove box. It was not going to be a permeant solution, but's it worked out well, and I have not come up better solution! Being magnetic, I can angle it, and move it around easily. I used a round magnet that sticks to a round disc (from a old cell phone mount) and a Keeper MG hand gun magnet from Amazon.
  6. PSA - I took a chance on some ebay floor mats from Turkey. They turned out much better than expected, and arrived with in a week. They are actually cut to correct shape, not a universal shape like my ACC mats. (Acc is the one on the right. ) He also said he can do custom shapes, I need one for my trunk.
  7. Test fitting the matching Dakota Digital controls.
  8. Now that I've figured out how to post pictures... Here are some photos of my Vintage Air install. I also repainted the lower dash. I used Krylon Industrial Semi-Flat Black K01613A07, Zoro.com had the best price. Zoro is the consumer site of Grainger. The glove box had not been painted, but shows the color match.
  9. Looks like my smugmug account will also work
  10. I like seeing pictures again. wow - Pictures!!!!
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