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Need A Sponsor and I thought 69Stang.com Would be COOL

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Ok guy's So I coach Little League every year on my sons little league team and I love it.

Last year the City mandated that we have to get sponsors to cover the cost of the shirts for the kids.

Usually the $80.00 sign up fee covers the cost of the shirts but I suppose the city has decided they need to make more money so they are gonna take funds from the Parks and Recreation funds LOL.


I had friends that owned businesses pony up last year and they covered all the fees plus I ended up with enough cash to get some catching gear and a 5 gallon bucket of balls..."Balls were in excess of $100.00 can you believe that crap"

Anyhow none of my friends wanted to put their company names on the shirts because then other ppl see they will sponsor and would be hounding them next season, Well most of the other teams had sponsor names last year that were pretty cool or they had a really cool logo... We were the Walker Reds...Had a Big white Skull and bones...were going to be the Tigers this year which was the parental consensus


I figured 69Stang.com would be bad ass on the back or front of a shirt so figured I would see if it would be allowed to take up a collection for our team to help cover some of the cost.

Total Cost of $450.00 Will Cover Jerseys, Hats, Belts and Socks for the entire team as a package, which boils down to $38.00 a kid.


I will end up kicking in a good chunk of change myself this year like I always do for Bats, Balls, bags etc...I feel that I make enough money to be able to help those less fortunate kids who are wearing pants that are 2 small or a glove that is either way too big or way to small since it was a hand me down from Dad or brother which is ok but if you have an 8 yo kid playing infield with a glove he cant even close you cant expect to make any plays HAHA.

Plus I can remember as a kid growing up we were dirt poor and I wore and used hand me down stuff that was ragged and or the wrong size and I remember all the kids who had all the nice stuff I didn't and it SUCKED thats why I do what I do so that the kids ALL feel equal in at least one thing they do and they can be proud of it.

I also generally pony up a good bit for an end of the year team party...Which is ALL getting costly and cutting into my mustang building fund tho HAHA


I know $38.00 doesn't sound like a lot to pay for your kid to have a uniform but you look at $80.00 for sign up fee, + $38.00 for shirt, socks, belt and hat + $10.00 for pants and your now at about $130.00 per kid one family has to spend.


We all know times are tough and the average income around here is 30k or less and I have paid many a kids sign up fees just for them to play and given my sons old pants and stuff to a lot of kids because they should all get to play if they want to regardless of if mom and dad can afford it.


Anyhow I would love to put the 69Stang.com name and a logo on these jerseys, and maybe see if I can fenagel a deal to somehow get it on the hats as well.


So if it's ok I would love to take donations via pay pal or some any other manner you would like to pay.

I have been on the site for a good long while so everyone knows I am legit, and I will even post up team pics with the kids in their Jersey.

If this does go through the Moderators can dictate the wording and design and I will make it happen.

I can even get at least 1 Mach 1 In the team pics :-0

Yall Let me know if we can make this happen.


Payment Via PayPal can be sent to


and for you old school guys who refuse to pay stuff via Pay Pal you can mail payment "Check, money order or Cash"

to haha.


James Dorough

13858 Timberlake Dr.

Denham Springs LA,



My email is Jdorough@jcgllc.com if anyone wants more info.

You can also call or text me at 225-241-3278




Edited by MikeStang

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This sounds like a good cause to me, get it started how you see fit and we'll see what kind of support we get.


Any chance of calling them the Mustangs (or some type of horse) instead of Tigers?

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Awesome Thanks Pak Really appreciate the sticky.

I will see what we can do with the hats... Have to decide what they may look like, and I would like to have a logo, unless you just wanna do the running pony or something...I will need a digital copy of it so they can screen it on.

The other coach and I discussed multiple sponsors... he was like Hell yeah we will be a running Bill Board haha.

Thanks Guys.

My Pay Pal email is



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Oh well since it's tigers and LSU I can't be part of this.....lol just kidding. I stuck it up here so I guess I'm in. I'll sponsor a kid!


Consider a gofundme site....it has worked really well for me in the past.

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I missed out on this but this was a great idea Mike. Let me know by private message early and we can coordinate this for the next year possibly.

Edited by bswor

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Sent the shirts out guys...Gotta send your still Pak.

I didn't have your address last time I went to the UPS store but now I do and ill get it coming this week.

I wasn't overly pleased with how they did the shirts, I let our other coach deal with the screen printing and deciding on the wanna be Dri-Fit shirts.

But they are nice when its hot out.

Thanks again for the donations guys sorry it took me so long to get the stuff out to everyone.

Next season I will have my own team and we will be the Mustangs so I will be expecting some more funding HAHA

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Funny story...

One of the parents and I were talking about the uniforms and sponsors after a game and the guys wife walks up while we were talking and I was mentioning that we could have had an even cooler sponsor group because I had some fellows from National 1911 Die Hards & another 1911 website donate some cash as well.

The guys wife actually knew what a 1911 was and laughed and said "It would have been better than seeing a giant 69 on the kids Jerseys right off the bat haha"

I just responded and said "Well I see where your mind is now"

Everyone liked the shirts tho and we easily had the coolest sponsors and were the ONLY team to have any Internet .com sponsors which was cool.


We took 3rd place over all with a brand new team where over 50% of the kids had never touched a glove and ball.

Would have had 1st place but the final 2 games we were missing 4 kids so the second place team allowed us to pick 3 kids up from other teams, 2 of the 3 kids I had already coached so I knew they were good...Needless to say we destroyed the 2nd place team and we had to play back to back games and ours ran over 30min so the 1st place team got to watch us play and they said we could not use our 3 borrowed players "Bunch of Pansy Asses" so we played using 2 out fielders to attempt to hold down the infield and had only 2 outfielders actually in the field....Little league allows 4 out fielders btw lol, oh and we didn't have a catcher either, so my kids played 1 whole game with a Full team and no one on the bench then 20 min later we took the field AGAIN but this time short of players on the field and no substitutes again


We ended up loosing to the first place team and somehow because of win/loss ratios or something we took 3rd overall then we won 2nd in an all star tournament.


It was funny this year, because the kids are now at an age to where they understand winning and loosing and actually care about it so about 99% of the teams that loose end up with their feelings hurt and literally cry openly about it...yes some of the kids on my team have done it in the past and I can not stand it lol.

Once we got down several runs against the 1st place team and the other team was showing bad sportsmanship "Kids & Coaches included", and I knew there was no hope of making a come back and I knew the tears were probably going to follow I did the only thing I knew to do when your facing overwhelming odds.... I went full on Drill Sergeant take no prisoner's change the tempo on my boys "Yes I am Prior SVC and yes I have DI Exp lol but I dialed it back to make it parent friendly...kind of" My boys were so completely exhausted and loosing to boot it was all that I knew to do just to get them to finish the game

So all that was left was to see who really had heart and could dig deep and pull up some stones.

All I can saw is WOW... I knew how my son would responded to the change in attitude "He goes into full on Plow anything in the baseline down and smashes in home runs...I still dont know why he cant do this without getting mad" but I had no idea how some of my smaller younger kids would handle it, especially the ones who I KNEW were treated with Kid gloves at home, I figured some would just break out in tears right then and there....Boy was I surprised.....

We were down about 10 runs with no outs on opposing team at the top of their order and still had 2 innings to go...Needless to say the score never got any higher against us and we scored 2 before the end of the game.

When it was over and the smoke cleared my boys were PISSED because we didn't get another at bat because they actually had it in their mind they could close an 8 run gap in one inning at bat....I neglected to mention to them that you were only allowed 7 runs per inning and even with another at bat we couldn't have won, only delayed the inevitable but why put that in their heads, I just wanted everything they had and they gave it all and then some, and I accomplished what I sat out to do and that was NOT A TEAR SHED at the loss....

I don't mind loosing when you walk away mad because it just makes you want to work harder to win next time and that is how you get better at everything, which is all I want to do with the few kids I get to coach every year.

It doesn't matter to me if they get better at sports or just become better people when they grow up, as long as they know that they CAN affect the outcome of things in their lives if they dig deep and want something bad enough...Sounds kind of deep for a group of 7&8 year old kids don't it?

Try to remember the people in your past that you can still recall today when you were that age and what effects they may have had on you albeit Good OR Bad its still a change someone had on you that carried through your entire life.

Now there are another little group of my little minions running around who KNOW when the going gets tough the Tough change their mindset and dig deep and make changes happen and hopefully they will remember that lesson from now until I'm long and gone.


Guys if you have kids and get the chance to coach a sport I suggest you do it as fast as you can, even if its just as a part time deal or if you have to take off from work a bit early to make practices and games, just DO IT.

There are so many Good lessons you can teach your kid as well as MAYBE help some other kid who has some weird ass off the wall parent who doesn't spend time with them or teach them anything.

Not to mention its a great feeling to take a child who couldn't even swing a bat or catch a ball at the beginning of the season and at the end he can now actually play the game.... IMHO you can tell the teams that have what I consider GOOD or Real coaches because when you play them once at the beginning of the year and once at the end of the year and they still have kids who still can't throw the ball, or catch or even swing a bat you know they are not developing their kids, only relying on the ones who someone else built up into ball players....

I tell my kids you may not be able to play like a real ball player but when you step up to the plate or take the field you will look like a real ball player...by this I mean your mechanics will be as they should be and you will perform to the best of YOUR physical ability because I will give you the right tools for the job and show you how to use them, its on you after that.

I have had 2 autistic kids on my teams in the past, but by the time the season starts and they step up to the plate the first time you could never pick them out from the rest of the kids......That's a great feeling gentlemen, and more of us dads should try it while we have the chance.

Side note... "I have found that it is easier to teach a special needs kid to bat than a normal kid because once you show them how you want them to swing, pivot and turn they never forget and they do the same thing every time without fail, it just takes a bit longer to help them work out the mechanics and timing, so if any of you guys have special needs kids don't hesitate to put them into a sport at a young age just be sure you talk to the coach and get a read on them to see if they seem like the kind of person who will take a little extra time to help them learn...


Both my kids parents told me at the end of the season that they almost didn't put their kids into sports for fear that the kid couldn't do it and didn't want the child to be disapointed in himself.

Both of their children were drafted by other teams mid way through the draft last year based on their Stats on paper and not knowing they were special needs...That's a good example of best man for the job not who you are based on being different from anyone else, and that's damn cool...


Anyhow sorry for the long post, just wanted to share my love of the game and love of teaching the game with all you guys who were willing to read it all.


Ok on to the Mustangs

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Well since I didn't read the last post when it was new, I will now. Glad you all had a good season. Whoever came up with that maximum run per inning rule should be tortured. The best thing about baseball is, it ain't over till it's over. Which means because there is no clock, you can always rally and come back and win as long as you score enough runs. If some Communist wants to limit the number of runs for the team in the lead, fine. But to limit a traiing team is asinine.

Rant over.

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Sent the shirts out guys...Gotta send your still Pak.

I didn't have your address last time I went to the UPS store but now I do and ill get it coming this week.

I wasn't overly pleased with how they did the shirts, I let our other coach deal with the screen printing and deciding on the wanna be Dri-Fit shirts.

But they are nice when its hot out.

Thanks again for the donations guys sorry it took me so long to get the stuff out to everyone.

Next season I will have my own team and we will be the Mustangs so I will be expecting some more funding HAHA


Hey, I just realized I never got my shirt. :(

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Naw, I've kinda grown fond of this one. Thanks for the offer. There's a fine line in humor between a laugh and getting your arse kicked. Ask me how I know :)

BTW, thanks for all your time with the spam. I guessing you've got some free time now.

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