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Status Replies posted by RPM

  1. Hi Bob hope all is well. I have a question for you about a manual brake petal . I have a friend out near you who bought a mustang from me about 5 years ago that has power brakes that he is converting to manual because of vacuum issues and is in need of a manual brake automatic transmission pedal. Didn't know if you may have a tip for him of someone locally to you guys that may have one for sale. He is in Bakersfield also. If you don't thats fine I just thought it may save him time and money if he could pick up himself. Thanks Bob and Merry Christmas to you and your family. 

    1. RPM


      Hey no worries. I don't recall seeing his 69 around town, but I'll keep an eye out for it. Send him a pic of my car and tell him likewise please. 


    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  2. Hi Bob hope all is well. I have a question for you about a manual brake petal . I have a friend out near you who bought a mustang from me about 5 years ago that has power brakes that he is converting to manual because of vacuum issues and is in need of a manual brake automatic transmission pedal. Didn't know if you may have a tip for him of someone locally to you guys that may have one for sale. He is in Bakersfield also. If you don't thats fine I just thought it may save him time and money if he could pick up himself. Thanks Bob and Merry Christmas to you and your family. 

    1. RPM


      Ten-Four. Hey, what's his name and color of his Mustang?

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  3. Hi Bob hope all is well. I have a question for you about a manual brake petal . I have a friend out near you who bought a mustang from me about 5 years ago that has power brakes that he is converting to manual because of vacuum issues and is in need of a manual brake automatic transmission pedal. Didn't know if you may have a tip for him of someone locally to you guys that may have one for sale. He is in Bakersfield also. If you don't thats fine I just thought it may save him time and money if he could pick up himself. Thanks Bob and Merry Christmas to you and your family. 

    1. RPM


      Hey Dave, ya all is well here in God's Country. I had to do some thinking and snooping around to find it, but yes I do have one. He can have it for what I paid for it ~5 or so years ago, $125. Have him call me at his convenience, 661-749-3886. 

      Y'all have a Merry Christmas. 

    2. (See 7 other replies to this status update)

  4. Hi, it looks like I never responded to your questions about my Mach. I live in Modesto. A good friend of mine is building a car collection. So far he bought a 65 Mustang GT convertible, 71Pantera, and a 67 GT500. He got a line on this Mach and asked me to go with him to check it out. Turns out it was too much of a project for him, so I bought it instead. The prior owner had it for 17 yrs. When he lost interest, he parked it in his garage and it just sat. He had a rodent problem, so the interior was covered with mouse poop and urine. It was a mess. I towed it back to my house and got it running. Fortunately he gave me the Marti Elite report. Originally Yellow but was repainted white. The side stripes don't say Mach, but it is a real one. Of course not too many came with 390's b/c for a few extra $, more people got the CJ. Close ratio 4speed, 3.25 gears. It runs and drives but is rough. I plan to cruise it around town for a couple of years and begin the resto. Here are some before/after photos. I'm in Facebook as John Del and I have photos posted there. Cheers!







    1. RPM


      You lucky dog! She sure cleaned up nicely.

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