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So Kamela and Joe...

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It’s not really Slow Joe & Kamaltoe. That’s the bait, the Switch is POTUS Kamaltoe who can then choose her VP like CA Gov Newsom who is Pelosi’s nephew & scum like Cuomo as AG. Then fill the FBI, NSA, IRS w ANTIFA & BLM

Also AOC green new deal would end all gas powered cars & only 1 car per family. Also no commercial air travel, no beef. Sound like fun ?

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This threw me for a loop. 

Kimberly Ann Guilfoyle formerly of fox news and currently with donald trump jr. ( lucky bastid) !! 

She was married to that liberal scumbag gavin newsome! imagine thanksgiving dinner with those two 


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The Democrats Playbook in this order:
1) Win Presidency which will surely give them the Senate and keep control of the House
2) Pack Supreme Court 7-6 Liberal Justices
3) Get rid of Electoral College so  Blue States with large cities like NY and CA are the only thing that count.  Republicans will never see a Presidency again.
4) Open borders to recruit new Democrats
5) Get rid of 2nd Amendment. This is key for #s 6 and 7
6) More Socialism
7) More reverse racism to reduce the rights of white men. 

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So Basement Joe is now locked inside and whimpering in the corner over his deadbeat son who did not put up $85.00 to retrieve the laptop that has damning info on it and is now in the FBI hands and shows good ole Joe as the Big Guy.

Followed by Klamala locked in some hole crying into her boxed wine about how did she fall for joining the losing ticket.

Maybe she and Kiliary can rewrite the book on What Happened and have it come out at the Jan 20 inauguration,

Drain that dam swamp and lock them ALL up!

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So after getting millions from China and others Loser Hunter can't even pay the 85.00 for the laptop repair bill.

This would have kept all of the info hidden from view.

The left has spent untold millions to push Joe to lead us all from the doom they have created.

Klamala has hooked her line to this anchor program and is trying to smile as it is pulling her into the abyss.

While the Media clams it all Russa's fault.

I think we have a totally first place winner for the Kodak Moment!

I bet China is going wtf are we going to do now.  And can we get a refund of the 1.5 billion?

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