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4R70W Controller and Wiring Locations

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I didnt have ac in my car so I ran the wires up the firewall and in through one of those holes, then into the glovebox. Now another great way that I'm considering doing it is to call baumann and order one of their pin pushers. Remove the plastic heads then run them through a hole you drill by the shifter. From there you can run the wires under the carpet to the glove box or if you have a console run it in there. My car is torn down and at paint so no pictures for ya now. Look over on the VMF forum and theres a good write up of a guy who did it the way I described 

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Damn Newstang looks like you have a bit more room in your transmission tunnel than I do in mine.

I ran my wires up the tunnel and into the engine bay, then through the fire wall and then cut a hole in the glove box liner to run wires through and simply set my controller in the glove box...It sits in there upside down but I can still read it.

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Just to follow up on my own thread, I ended up going through the heater hose holes for my wiring. This worked since I have an A/C car and those heater hose holes were not used. I also mounted my controller in the glove box. I removed the liner so I can't store anything in there anymore though. I finished the install in early spring and highly recommend the 4R70W. It's a blast to drive now.




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