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Go ahead, call me a dumba**

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Now I know why my wife is so well organized compared to me, she actually takes the time to make lists of the lists she has to make. Then she methodically boxes all her items and stores them in a catagorical system so she knows were everything is at.


I on the other hand am one of those people who lives in total disarray but can function just fine because in the back of my head I know were everything is at. For the most part my life goes along just fine and I complete my projects or tasks in the time I alot and everything works out. Then I clean my area before I start my next project.


Only problem is I have spent an extra two years on the car getting it back into running order, and now I lost something somewhat important, the parking brake cables and related hardware. Yeah B thats right, go ahead and take out that bat and beat me, you packed everything up nice when you shipped the rearend up, but somehow between receiving it and finishing the fuel system so I could then route the e-brake cable, I lost the carton you had them packed up in.:whistling::oops:


I know I can have a new set fabricated up, but was curious if anyone had an idea were I might find a new cable for the versaille rearend, I can then just fabricate the connection to my 69 bracket. I figure I will start hitting the junkyards around here too and see if I can come across one as well.


Any other ideas will be welcomed, in the meantime, I think I will start putting up some shelving in my garage before I start the next project.

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I can't help you with your actual question, but I can tell you that you're not alone in your "organization" habits. At one point, I managed to lose a bolt for my fuel pump after seeing it about 30 seconds earlier. I tore the garage apart looking for it, I swear to god. The bastard just upped and walked away.


Wound up taking like my 30th trip to the H/W store for a replacement.


I have good intentions to stay organized, but after tearing 2 coupes apart, I have about 40 piles of little screws, bolts, and other odds and ends just mocking me.


You're in good company.



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i put all my stuff in those big plastic tubs with lids, i try to bag and tag everything but it doesn't always happen but at least if it's in the right tub i'll be able to find it. i hope you didn't permanently lose that box because there was a lot more in there than just the cables...:scared:, most of it was attaching hardware though and since you already have the rear in the car you should be ok in regards to most of that stuff, those cables are a bitch to find though in good shape and those were just about perfect. well if you don't find them soon, i'll just have to bitch slap you from all the way down here in Texas.....:tongue:

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Plenty of Ziplock bags and a felt pen usually saves my butt. I take something apart thinking it'll take only a couple of days. Then a new project/crisis/emergency/client/delay (pick one) comes up at work and it's 2 weeks and a lot of overtime before I pick up the parts again, wondering where what went. Camera is good too for the rarer things and electrical.

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i put all my stuff in those big plastic tubs with lids, i try to bag and tag everything but it doesn't always happen but at least if it's in the right tub i'll be able to find it. i hope you didn't permanently lose that box because there was a lot more in there than just the cables...:scared:, most of it was attaching hardware though and since you already have the rear in the car you should be ok in regards to most of that stuff, those cables are a bitch to find though in good shape and those were just about perfect. well if you don't find them soon, i'll just have to bitch slap you from all the way down here in Texas.....:tongue:


man you have a long arm, I felt that bitch slap all the way up here. Yeah I got all the hardware, just the cables are "misplaced". Still cleaning stuff up at the shop hoping they got shoved into a corner, but I have a feeling someone thought they came off another car and tossed them.

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haha yeah, it took a little while to get the ol' arm all the way up there though. seriously though, John, i sure hope you find them because those are some expensive suckers to replace. if worse comes to worst you could probably get a local driveline shop to build you a custom set that won't need any kind of adapters or anything at all, but they aren't that bad just one extra cable connector is all that's really needed, IIRC, with the stock versailles cables. good luck and may be the force be with you.


if you want some good old indian medicine man magic, though, you can draw a diagram/drawing of the shop floorplan on a piece of paper and put a pen on the end of a small chain and hang the pen and chain over the diagram/drawing and swing it around the paper counter clockwise and wherever the pen comes to rest should be pointing at the place where the cables are. i've actually had this work once before but it wasn't me doing it, it was the lady who taught me the trick......wierd stuff man, but it worked....:blink:

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Well, as long as no one else is going to take advantage of this prime opportunity then I will ablige.


You're a dumba**!


There, feel better bud?

aww, :shit:, I knew Pak would jump all over me. haha, saturday is major search day, sure hope i come across them.

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Well, as long as no one else is going to take advantage of this prime opportunity then I will ablige.


You're a dumba**!


There, feel better bud?

aww, :shit:, I knew Pak would jump all over me. haha, saturday is major search day, sure hope i come across them.

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aww, :shit:, I knew Pak would jump all over me. haha, saturday is major search day, sure hope i come across them.


LOL, I was going to say, might be a good excuse for a spring time garage clean up.


Good luck bud, we'll all be waiting to hear the good news Monday!

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aww, :shit:, I knew Pak would jump all over me. haha, saturday is major search day, sure hope i come across them.


LOL, I was going to say, might be a good excuse for a spring time garage clean up.


Good luck bud, we'll all be waiting to hear the good news Monday!

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