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COMPLETELY OFF TOPIC, has anyone seen Sicko?

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I normally wouldnt do this but.....


Just wondering if anyone has watched Michael Moores new film: Sicko?


If not and you want to watch it online: http://video.google.ca/videoplay?docid=2526970685450320610[/url]


It's insane what our healthcare industry is doing to us.... After watching this it makes me want to move to canada or anywhere else for that matter...



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Yeah because Michael Moore writes and produces such even handed movies. No agenda there.....:whistling:


Not getting political but my company has sites in both Canada and the UK and those I have met in both countries envy our system (that is as long as you HAVE insurance). One buddy in the UK had a hernia - had to wait 3 months to have the surgery. Of course he could have "bought" his way up the wait list - gotta love that socialized medicine where you can buy credits to leap frog over others.... I had a hernia diagnosed on a Thursday and had the surgery on the following Monday. Cost me around $50 out of pocket and 3 weeks off work on short term disability. In my book - that's not bad.


Again not being too preachy but anything from the likes of Michael Moore (extreme left) or the likes of Ann Coulter (extreme right) holds no interest to me.

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Yeah I agree. I did enjoy his last Bush Bashing movie about 911 but he has a way of showing most of the footage to his view and advantage for sure. I think what you have to do with his stuff is look at objectively and draw your own conclusion in the end. I give him credit for sticking his neck out on issues and doing something about topice most folks ignore but I don't take it is as gospel.


Ben, is that link supposed to show you the whole movie like a bootleg? I only see a preview.

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Never mind I figured i tout, you have to click on another link to get there. Are these sights even legal? I just realized that I can watch Spiderman 3 on some Chinese site?!?!?!?!?! How the heck do they do this without getting sued?


Got any sites like this with TV shows too? I'd like to watch alot of my old cartoons I can't get on DVD or tape.

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Coz: Whats funny is that this film is aimed at people with health insurance. I'm not a fan of moore either because like you say he has his own agenda and isnt exactly objective. But this film tells real stories of real people. You just have to forget that its a moore film and watch it. If your not outraged afterwards i'd be suprised.



Pak: The movie is a bootleg, but moore doesnt mind. That same site (nabolister.com) has tv shows also. So no the site is not legal but i wont tell if you dont.......



After watching this i think of my grandparents who are struggling to pay for their medication and checkups even with medicare.

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Ben - Im sure he found terrible examples of insurance abuses and problems and from that we are too think the whole system is screwed. That's what I hate about Moore. He takes an extreme and makes you believe it's mainstream and will happen to you. And people fall for it - as you said its insane what the industry is doing to us. But my experiences with past health issues have been good insurance wise.


For example Moore finds 20 people with terrible Mustang stories. Nasty stuff about 15 year old beauty queens and high school QB's who died a fiery death in a Mustang. He shows you the grieving parents and Ford's lawyers saying "no comment" and by the end of the movie he has you believing Ford killed those 20 people out of the millions who own Mustangs on purpose. And if you don't do something NOW you are part of the grand scheme and are as responsible as Ford... What he doesn't show is the QB was high on crack doing 90 on a curve or the millions who love their Mustang and have never had an issue.


I know I'm preaching to the choir here but I've seen several of Moore's movies and the only outrage I have is how people fall for the slanted position hook line and sinker. Why didn't Moore take those sick to Canada or the UK instead of Cuba? Because it plays to his agenda.... The reason why I mentioned Coulter earlier is a friend who is very conservative had me read some of her book. She is the ultra right version of Moore and equally slanted to an extreme position. Her "stuff" on why evolution is false is equal parts crazy, sad and scary. I just have no use for these type "haters". They represent 5% of the population but have the other 95% of us arguing their position and taking a side that normally we wouldn't remotely agree with.


.... and Coz steps off his soap box.... stumble, trip, fall aka Chevy Chase....


Went to a local show tonight and ran into a 69 mach1 R code. Very nicely done and the owner was a good guy. Took some pics including some wheels I think Pak would like. Will post in a separate thread....

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Well it sounds like you watched it so thats good enough for me. I just think if all these other country's can do it why cant we.


One reason i agree with the flim somewhat is that my sisters who are twins were born premature and my father had a bad run with his insurance. Which he pays probably 1/3rd or 1/4th of his paycheck to. Anyway long story short by the time it was said and done the insurance said well were not gonna pay. So my dad is left looking at a bill for $1million+ and im not exagerating one bit. Luckily for him he didnt own anything of any significant value at the time or have assests and the hospital eventually just wrote it off.


So healthcare is overpriced and insurance companys are out for number one and are not providing a real service IMO. Both systems work somewhat but are corrupted. Of course this to was an extreme case.

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Coz, I am with ya 100% on this one. Michael Moore is entitled to his opinion, and it's a free country, so he can even do movies about his opinion if he wants. But what bothers me is that this stuff gets lumped in as a documentary. Michael Moore knows it isn't but is real slow to acknowledge that, and even accepts awards in that category.


What he does is not journalism, it's an op-ed piece. And people often fail to make the distinction. It doesn't matter if you are left or right, I don't believe people should do that. (Fox news is not "fair and balanced" either.)


That being said, there are ills in our mnedical system that definitely need fixing. I wish somebody with more balanced credibility had done this "documentary".

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In Canada, you can't "buy credits" to leapfrog ahead of other patients. You can however, travel to the US or pay a private clinic to have the procedure done right away (the private clinics are new and generating alot of controversy).


And while wait times do suck, if it's a life or death thing or something that requires immediate surgery you get treatment right away. It's only the things like knee surgery, etc that tend to have 3 month waiting times. The guy who waited 3 months for a hernia op, probably didn't have that bad of a hernia.



As for Michael Moore, I loved "Bowling for Columbine". I absolutely hated "Farenheight 911".. and I'm not a Bush fan. It just pissed me off that he somehow turned a "documentary" into a "Bash the Bush family" movie. I didn't think I'd ever watch another one of his movies, but I've actually heard a few times now that this new one isn't that bad.

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I'm not going to waste any of my life watching his hardline-left propaganda.


All I'm going to say is that even though the system isn't perfect and it could use some tweaking, it's the best in the world. The last thing I'd want to see is a government takover...if you think you're paying now...who do you think pays into the government and would pay should it step in? Current taxes won't cover that. Also, how often do you hear someone saying the government did a good job at something.


I stated my general opinion on the topic and I'm trying to not get into it here. So, I'm stepping away from this thread. I just had to put in my 2 cents. :whistling:

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I'm not going to waste any of my life watching his hardline-left propaganda.


All I'm going to say is that even though the system isn't perfect and it could use some tweaking, it's the best in the world. The last thing I'd want to see is a government takover...if you think you're paying now...who do you think pays into the government and would pay should it step in? Current taxes won't cover that. Also, how often do you hear someone saying the government did a good job at something.


I stated my general opinion on the topic and I'm trying to not get into it here. So, I'm stepping away from this thread. I just had to put in my 2 cents. :whistling:


Lol.. "The best in the world"? Why do I get the fealing that you know little about how healthcare is run in other countries?


There have been many many studies that say different. It's a better system than most, but not the best.


Patriotism is a good thing until it blinds you into thinking you are the best and that there's no need for improvement.

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I know i opened a can of worms when i started this topic. But anywho here are some real facts:


Images from this article: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=11285514


So if we are number one in spending you'd think we'd be in the top 10 in actual care.


An excellent example of the studies I was talking about. Thanks for posting this.

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I'm not questioning that health care in the US is lacking for certain individuals and/or groups. But quoting Michael Moore as a non-biased health care expert is like saying Michael Vick is an expert in raising dogs.....

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I totally agree with you that he is very biased in everything he does, however there is alot of truth in this film, you just have to be able to disect his agenda from what the movie really stands for, which is a change in the health care system.

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