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Rust removal progress

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I've been seen a lot of new projects being started here so I thought I'd update the rust removal progress I've been making. Maybe someone will find it usefull.


A lot of this car had very heavy surface rust. The roof, fenders and hood are the worst. I have no idea of the history of the car before I got it, but it appeared to have been stripped of paint, bondoed and primered and probably sat for a few years. The rust took over from there.


I stripped the primer and heavy rust with 40 grit. Maybe too coarse, but the rust just consumes the sandpaper. Once I got down to "solid" rust and bare metal, I lathered on naval jelly and covered with saran wrap. The saran wrap keep the jelly moist. I had been learning as I go here, and I spent alot of hours on the roof, scrubbing with a wire brush, reappling jelly, wetting with water, sanding, repeat. Took a coupe weeks a few hours at a time.


With the hood, I did it a little different. I stripped paint, applied jelly, covered and let sit over night. I think I uncovered it once after a few hours and gave it a little scub wit hte wire brush, then recovered. Next day, uncovered, scrubbed a little wit ha wire brush, wiped down, rinsed with water, and then hit it with the DA and 80 grit. Thats it. I just let the chemical do it's thing and it turned out pretty good and it was a lot less work that way. I think I might do one more application as even though it looks good in the picture, there still are some discolored areas that I think will come out with another application.


Got this great info from hotrodders.com, but I'm sure it's been on here before too.


Hope this helps


The first two pictures show the hood after it's stripped of paint. The blotches are all heavy rust deposits, there 's no paint. The third picture is after the jelly and saran wrap and the last is after DA with 80 grit.

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