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hey illinios guys ever been to mustang corral?

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me and my girlfriend decided to take a trip there to buy some parts for her coupe since we're doing the body on it and need things she lives in misouri near stlouis so it was only about a hours drive


man i could not believe that place we walked around the so called show room a while and then i asked if he had any trim that im looking for and he said yeah out back so he opened the door and said go over to that barn its in there so i go over and find the trim and im amazed at the over whelming amount of used parts that they have then i happen to look out the back of the building im in and i see a junkyard full of nothing but mustangs and im talking like at minimum 200 (thats conservative) poor old rusted left to die ponys not all 69s of course but there was atleast just in eye sight 4 of everyyear with way more behind them most were completely stripped but still i was shocked


the guy is way high on his prices (and remember im also into mopars so i know high prices and am used to them) for instance he had several 69 headlight buckets all marked at 250.00 each



well all we ended up buying was a repo pass side rear floor pan section that was reasonable at 44.00


the guy also has project cars for sale but they are also slightly out in left field on the price of those to


the coolest thing by far was a indian fire 69 mach one that was a customers car they are going to restore factory 428 4 gear sportslats,shaker spoilers i was like :sweatdrop: :tongue_smilie: :001_tt1: it had some period correct torque thrust type wheels on it and looked like it had been pulled out of a barn last month


just curious if anyone else has been there

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I frequent the corral for large items (fenders, hoods). Anything that can be easily shipped I buy elsewhere because of their prices. These guys are a whealth of knowledge, though. They do run a resto business as well and they started stocking the yard with ponys around 1980. I saw the mach as well, it looked like a time machine from '76! Wish I would have found that one. Mid America mustang is also close, but similar in pricing.

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They are in St. Charles Mo. just off 370. Again they are very close in prices with the Corral, maybe on purpose. If you go there make sure you check out Fastlane classic cars accross the street, it's an awesome toy store for the rich.

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