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frame work questions

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I am going to be able to finish up my 302-347 sometime next month so I plan on getting the engine bay ready but my left from frame extension is rusted so I was wondering if anyone has replaced one before and can give advice. Plus back when I was taking the car apart I tried to remove the seat belts but the bolt turns in place. So does any one have advice on that so I don't have to cut out the bottom and cut it out or have delt with a similar situation with replacing the seat belts being so old. Or do most just use them any way. But the front frame extension doesnt look fun to replace. I got a welder lined up when I am ready but I probaly will have him do the doors, floor pan and trunk all in one shot with the frame extension. O and one more thing, for my 347 I plan on some where between 450 and 500HP so what are the best heads with a 180cc Intake. So far I have been led to Roush. Any suggestions?

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