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New Gallery Function. Users can create their own albums!

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Ok guys i've been holding off on doing this for awhile because of bandwidth reasons. But now you are able to register an account for the gallery and create your own album and upload your photos! Please just create one album. Enjoy!



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How to register and post pictures of your car in the gallery:


First thing is to go to the gallery here: http://www.1969stang.com/gallery/


Second look in the top right hand corner and click register. Once you have completed the registration process you then need to login.


Once logged in you will see in the top right corner "new album". Click that and a new album will be created.


Then you will see in the right hand corner a drop down menu. Click the down arrow and select add photos. Then you can either download the "app" or just select the "form" tab at the top of the window that popped up.


If you use the applet just click add pictures and select the pictures you want to upload. If using the "form" hit the browse button and select the pictures you want to upload. Then click the upload button. It may take a minute or more depending on you internet connection. If on dialup you may only want to upload one or two photos at a time.


ONCE YOUR ALBUM HAS BEEN CREATED GO BACK TO THE GALLERY MAIN PAGE AND DO THE FOLLOWING: (Your album will automatically be placed at the top of the main page)


First give your album a title by clicking "edit title" where it says untitled.


Then give your album a description by clicking "edit description"


And finally where it says: "Hey Rename ......." Click the word "Rename" and give your album a unique name.


Then your done.

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