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Full Floor Replacement

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The floor on my 69 Mach 1 is in worse shape than I thought it was…go figure

It looks like a full floor replacement would probably be easier than two full length replacement patch panels. I’ve been in contact with a local place that has one in stock, so I will not need to worry about shipping.

What is the best method for getting a full floor into the car? Remove the doors?

Any tips from anybody that has done one would be much appreciated.


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I came in through the windshield, mostly because there was not enought room besides the car in my garage, and the windshiled was removed. Haven't tried from below, but I've seen people do it through the doors.

If the floor below the rear seats are ok I would not replace that. Just keep abit of overlap between the old and the new floor to have something to weld them together later. That would have saved me some work if I had just stopped and reflected a second before going ham with the angle grinder.

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Going from underneath is fairly easy by yourself. Being able to lift the "rear seat" area high enough to get the front end up onto the floor extensions is the worst of it. I have gone through the windshield, another good method for the single person install. They will fit through the door, but you will need an extra hand as the full floors tend to bend easily along the tunnel. I have installed more convertible floors than other, they are simple except for the rear braces. Unless it is a very small patch, (or very rare car) I will never install parts of a floor again, always full floor. Much quicker.

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Yep ,the amount of alignment ,welding and grinding is way less with a full floor . I usually set the pan in place ,mark the floor support and every where it will need to be drilled for plug welds ,then pull it back out and drill the plug weld holes and set it back in place . I have done several from 65 -70 and always do the install by my self 

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Its not a lot of fun installing by your self but you can do it ,the trick from going in from under side is lifting the back end up enough to get the front over the floor supports ,you may have to bow up the rear corners to get it high enough . You dont have as much room in the back end of the 65 68s as you have in the 69 70s 

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