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Power Brake vacuum question

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Symptoms:  When driving, SOMETIMES when I press on the brake the pedal is hard to press (it will stop just like manual brakes, though). If I take my foot off for a second and then reapply, they work perfectly fine as power brakes should.  Do I have a vacuum leak somewhere?  Could it be the booster?

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The first thing I would check is the check valve where the rubber hose connects to booster. Also I had a vacuum booster once that leaked around the push rod shaft (the one between the booster and M/C} that caused the booster to function erratically sometime it sealed off and other times when you pushed the petal and released it wouldn't .

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No procedure really, since it seems to be an intermitting issue the only sure way to tell would be to just replace the check valve. The way u described it tho u do have a leak somewhere. Have u noticed an increase in the engine idle recently, that is a sign of vacuum leak.

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No, I haven't had a change in idle.  I'm thinking about that valve:  I'm assuming it's easy to replace?

When I come to a stop sign, I have to double tap the brakes, so that's leading me to think check valve.

Time for research!


EDIT:  Yep, easy to replace and $7 from Autozone.  I'll try the cheap trick first!

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Mine was cracked and it wasn't all obvious it was until I tried to pull it out of the booster, and it broke.  Make sure you get the right size hoses to go with it.  It should go from the booster into the main vac port on the back/top of the engine.  This hose is very important to overall vacuum, as it is a larger size, and leaks have a big effect.  It won't cost you but a little more to get the hose replaced.

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