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TMI products

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New to the Mustang world.  I have been looking at the CJPony web site.  I see that some parts are TMI brand parts.  many times they will have the same part, but one is regular and the other is TMI.  I notice on the door panels the TMI is more expensive and does not look completely stock.  Other times I notice the same part will be a regular part and there will be a corresponding "CJPony" part with a different price.  Is there a noticeable difference in quality?  Is there a reason to pay more?

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Buying parts is most times a crap shoot.  Quality parts soon get a reputation as such.  One supplier may not have the best products out there.  I did use TMI for my 69 upholstery w/buns.  It been a few years and things do change.  I suggest you take a look at these guys for your door panels. https://mustangmarket.com/

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If you are looking for deluxe door panels, check NPD also. They list one brand as good repro, other as best repro. I remember Rick (owner of NPD) posting on an other forum comparison of 2 brands he sells (and Mustang market ones he used to sell) to original panels on his personal very low milleage car.

If NPD has a listings from different manufacturers for a part, usually the description tells you what the difference between those are.

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the most original appearing aftermarket deluxe door panel for a 69/70 mustang used to come from virginia mustang and had a white plastic backing. i would sometimes need to bend the upper edge in some that the window felt stapled to, to get the right angle.

tmi has the best sewing because their lines are always straight.

american cushion industries has the most accurate seat foam in the world bar none.

if you want concourse quality interior, you can buy the original material and give it to tmi and they will sew it up for you for the same price they charge for their seat covers complete.

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