OK, I was tired of a leaky power steering pump, (seemed to leak from every possible location) so I bought a remanufactured pump and installed.
I tightened the high pressure hose with a standard open ended wrench, bled the system, and it leaked like crazy.
I bought a new high pressure, hose, figuring that the compession fitting was just shot. New hose installed - leaked like crazy.
I started tightening the compression fitting - grabbed a longer wrench, and tightened about 1/16 of a turn, checked, tightenened another 1/16, etc.
Finally, leaking stopped. Is this normal? I feel like I had to tighten the $#it out of that compression fitting to stop it from leaking.
It's been 15+ years since I re-built the PS system (should have done the pump at that time....but it wasn't leaking then).
Anyone do this recently? Do the current replacement pressure hoses just need to be torqued hard?