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About Nos681

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  • Birthday 02/25/1969

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  • Location
    Atlantic Mine, MI 49905 (Houghton, MI 49931)
  • Interests
    Cars in general.

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  1. Awesome! Will have to make a head count for this one.
  2. Verifying connection points Bob. A = front terminal of fender solenoid/battery (+) from trunk/auxiliary fuse panel B = rear terminal of fender solenoid C = PMGR starter terminal and jumper to PMGR solenoid (negative side). I looked at my Motorcraft PMGR starter from my 92 Mustang. This solenoid on this starter has “ground side” connected to terminal “C” not to chassis ground.
  3. I prefer to use the battery (-) for all measurements. I understand the convenience of test points. I like the marked up drawing Mach1driver. WC’s picture can make it confusing when wiring does not match the “as built” wiring…even for an electrician.
  4. FFJD…..Interested in buying the RPM heads. Sent you a message. Not sure if it sent. Thanks, Dan
  5. PM sent on RPM cylinder heads. Thanks rpm!
  6. This was worth signing up to read, also from VMF.
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