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  1. I know this is an old post, but I was looking for 2 1/2" tips and came across the post. I'm only replying here to show they are still available, albeit a different price point. In 2019, the price from the company was stated to be $174.99. Today, currently listed at same company for $309.99. https://www.cjponyparts.com/dual-exhaust-tip-ultra-hi-flow-2-1-2-stainless-steel-with-rolled-ends-pair-1967-1969/p/EXT25/?gclid=Cj0KCQjwxMmhBhDJARIsANFGOSsy1uukViz9zoCdgPlit3PXM3fGKs26IyqE-p2zpgGKSAGdqVh4P2caAqJ3EALw_wcB
  2. Guessing that production date is possibly a typo. *************************** 144691 looks like it rolled off Metuchen line 3 days after mine. So close, but so very far!!!! Ha! Thanks again for sharing the info.
  3. Thanks. The one I'm looking for also came through Richmond DSO and with a 3.25, with a little earlier production date. Again, thank you for taking the time to search and to respond.
  4. VIN: 9T02M144329 It took me a long time to find VIN, so I'm now posting on a few sites that might have some chance of having some info. As I've said elsewhere, I know it is a long shot, but if I don't make the effort, I'll have no shot... I'm interested in location or info, regardless of condition or location. I'm in SE Virginia, but will travel as needed. 1969, Lime Gold, 4 speed, 4 bbl, 351W, had factory tach. I sold it in 1974(?). (Car may have gone through many iterations after this many years.) Car was orginally bought/sold/bought in Eastern North Carolina, Edgecombe Motor Company, Tarboro, NC. Whitakers, NC area. Maybe Rocky Mount after that. Thanks for any help. (posting here was recommended by someone on Vintage-Mustang forum. Just a stock photo, but that's pretty much how it looked. it had been rode hard by the time I bought it even though it was only a couple of years old.)
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