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aslanefe last won the day on February 6

aslanefe had the most liked content!

About aslanefe

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    v8 powered poster

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    : Mid GA

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  1. I installed all the glass on a 70 coupe a few weeks ago after paint; spent a lot of time adjusting to get them right so my memory is fresh. Let me know if you can't figure it out.
  2. Any reason why you are not using air impact hammer which is cheaper?
  3. On coupe and vert, you can slide the door glass back and forward by loosening the nut on the regulator forward arm end, it should be the same on fastback as the regulators are the same.
  4. Is there even a 14:1 box? As far as I know, they are 16:1 or 19:1.
  5. Sorry, can't remember the size, you might have to measure the steel line fitting diameter (should be about the size of the flare diameter) and get one that fits it.
  6. Hard to tell, some stainless steel is magnetic. You can try "copper flare gasket" to seal the flare.
  7. Good job Vic, I couldn't make to Savannah; now it's time to enjoy it.
  8. Mike, might want to post the color of the headliner.
  9. Can anyone (or any bot) open an account and post without some one approving them to be a member, is there not an account validation required to join the forum?
  10. I think they are new to spamming and sharpening their teeth here.
  11. I have been listening to the sandblaster at the shop lately.
  12. I guess without that thread, we can't do anything on our Mustangs today.
  13. As title says what happened to "What did you to your Mustang today? thread?
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