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Her69fastback last won the day on January 21

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About Her69fastback

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    v8 powered poster

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  1. What brand of epoxy primer is everyone using? I have two new quarter in the boxes I want to prime for storage. I’m going to go with PPG paint when I paint the car. Should I use PPG epoxy primer?
  2. I bought 2 Dyancorn quarts. They came in weld through primer. Should I sand them to bare metal and epoxy primer them. I won’t be putting them on for a few years.
  3. I’m going to buy a Lincoln tig welder. I have a miller mig welder now. What gloves is everyone using? I was going to get Tillman I read they aren’t as good as they used to be.
  4. What’s everyone’s opinion in the Milwaukee M12 da sander? I have watched a few YouTube videos on them. Are they worth it to have them of stick to air da sanders
  5. The brakes have nothing to do with the transmission. Take it to a transmission shop.
  6. I’m looking for good drill bits. I talked to a guy a few years back. He found a place I think in California that sold shop supplies. He had a set of drill bits with I life time warranty. He has moved & I can’t find him. He said if he broke a bit they would just send him a new one. He said they were not cheap but worth every penny.
  7. I’m having to store the 69 at a friend’s house in his barn this winter. I’m looking to find something that will deter the mice & rats. I saw this on Amazon. It’s Jahy2Tech electronic Mouse Repellent. I can’t get the pic to download. It said it will hook up to 12volt. They sale it in a 2 or 4 pack. Would 1 work for a car or should I use both one in the engine bay & one in the trunk ? Is there something better out there.
  8. I’m looking to get a new air compressor. Looking for 80 gal 2 stage 240 volt. Been looking at ingollsol Rand. What brand has ever one had good luck with? Will be doing body & paint with it & running air tools.
  9. I called them & found it. It’s called pinch on windlace. Said you need around 17ft . I’m ordering 18ft to be safe.
  10. What’s the molding called that goes around the door opening? It in the pinch weld on the inside. It’s hard & forms to the pinch weld. I can’t find it on NPD
  11. I have that tool. Was looking for something a little smaller to get into the tight spots. Grind some welds to
  12. I’m replacing the old front springs and shocks with qa1 & the rear shocks with qa1. I’m looking to up grade the front sway bar & put a rear sway bar on the car. As far as I can tell qa1 doesn’t make sway bars for this car. Who makes good sway bars for this car? It’s a street car no track. Might drag race it a little.
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