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Mach1 Driver

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Everything posted by Mach1 Driver

  1. Come on, you can't put that out there without giving us the rest. We will haunt you until you tell us.
  2. don't see how one of these could support a load of snow, then you'd have a collapsed car port and maybe some damage to the car and the snow to deal with get that shop built Ray!!
  3. pricey but nice, thanks for the info
  4. Is that a custom badge? I didn't see it in their store.
  5. Yeah I always did that too, but they started leaving marks on the hood a long time ago. Mine has the Mach black-out paint and the areas where they touched is shinier. The plastic would crack and fall off the cable after a few years and they were replaced many times so I finally cut the cables off.
  6. I want one too...and the stroker to go with it
  7. I think the hole in the hood is much bigger on the 70. The cables on the 69 pins always scratched the snot out of the hood. Show us pictures and give details when done please.
  8. I had a brake leak on my old Cheby years ago that came inside, but it wasn't red fluid.
  9. Barnett is a builder and has done 50+ Mustangs. I would pay attention to his posts. The conservative approach is to make sure it stops (brakes), then all the wiggly parts (suspension and turning), then make it go fast (power)... ahh as much as you can separate some of those things.
  10. Check with West Coast Classic Cougars- they have a great video on the differences in windows and how to adjust them- or call them.
  11. I have an 01 Vette. The C5s have electronics beneath the battery and if battery acid gets under the tray it causes all kinds of havoc, so everyone I know in the club transplants with Optimas, because they are gel cells. When I bought the car it was two years old, had 10,000 miles and was in pristine condition- except the battery was dead. They are power hungry beasts and will flat line the battery if not driven for two weeks, so everyone plugs them into battery tenders. I have a yellow top D34-78 that is going on 14 years old and shows no sign of failing anytime soon.
  12. not sure, this? http://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwjLpsOt5dDRAhXTTA0KHdfcBpMYABAQ&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAESIeD2uddBZ6kB-2Kc03P22dGf2YONOiQo0IXf1dRrX9uvlA&sig=AOD64_2P1lknTiaPI_6jtB4ddsFcg9N3_w&ctype=5&q=&ved=0ahUKEwje8rut5dDRAhWLOCYKHYsHDVUQwg8ILw&adurl=
  13. Yes, waaaaaaaayyy too light. See my car to the left- its Black Jade and looks more black than green in this picture.
  14. I've read that the stripes are not on the build sheet and were put on at the dealer. I don't know if that's true. My car doesn't follow the above guidelines either, which may lend some credence to dealer installation.
  15. the green in post 20? Jade black is my avatar
  16. Welcome to the forum- nice car. The attachment screws for my mirrors are 7.0" apart. You'll probably need a new door panel to mount the remote.
  17. I was a young and dumb 19. I made a good choice though- its been the most reliable vehicle I've ever had. Its just getting old like I am ;)
  18. I'll go against the grain here- I don't like reflective stripes. I will either have a custom set of non-reflective stripes made, or paint them on; but it definitely needs stripes.
  19. Arggg, that is painful to see, but looks great now. Welcome; this forum has guys that actually know what they're talking about- present company excepted of course.
  20. Mike65 I like the t-shirt, do you know where I could get one?
  21. We had been married for 32 years when she passed from lung cancer. She was 52.
  22. I've wondered how to adjust it too- it looks like it needs a twist down on the passenger side rear. I think Ridge Runner talked about bending it over a 2x4 when the middle was out of wack. Has anyone ever had to twist one?
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