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Ridge Runner

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Ridge Runner last won the day on August 22

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About Ridge Runner

  • Rank
    Super Stanger'
  • Birthday 08/07/1960

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    Not Telling
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    Anything Ford


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    Classic Fords and Hot Rods
  • Occupation
    Restore classic cars

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  1. My friend had one , he said it turned out fine ! I told him I was disappointed, he didn't sound like robo cop when he walked !
  2. Guess I should make a tool for this ,possibly a t handle ? But a large boxed end wrench is easy and everyone probably has one !
  3. I would check that one out ,i just sold my next to the last 69 for 15000,only difference was it was a roller,it was very clean though
  4. I would check the frame rails over well ,that is a major job if you have to replace those ,the rest of it isn't bad to replace if you can weld and measure . Measure everything before you ever remove anything . I built a 66 fast back from scratch ,using dynacorn parts of course ,but I had measurements from another fastback
  5. Hook the spring on the base of the hinge ,loop a large box end wrench on the other end of the spring ,with the hinge all the way up pull on the wrench untill you can hook the spring . I have a medium size crescent wrench I use ,it works easily
  6. I can't remember what exactly the difference is but I know 69 will only work on a 69 and 70 only works on a 70 but they will both work on 69 hood or a 70 hood ,they just don't work with the headlight extensions
  7. I have a couple in the junk pile now ,but I have one that just has the speaker area damaged that I may have leather covered
  8. This is the kit I have.https://www.amazon.com/s/ref=bl_dp_s_mw_0?ie=UTF8&search-alias=aps&field-keywords=Blair+Equipment
  9. I have the Blair cutting kit ,it was somthing like $80 but it starts at 1/4 and goes up to 3/4 inch . It has everything you need in the kit ,it works best if you are going to try to save panels
  10. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.harborfreight.com/12-in-x-18-in-professional-belt-air-sander-64932.html&ved=2ahUKEwi2oeiAvt6HAxUxEkQIHRjrDMMQFnoECCkQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3eCOn6B-whzNnK0jl44wwX If you are not going to save the old panels Give one of these a try ,I just bought one and it works great ,but get the 3M belts the harbor freight belts do not last long ,you want the 36 grit belts. They really work great when replacing really rusty floors
  11. Always wanted to build a boss 302. I had a Nascar boss 302 once but I stupidly sold it . It had a high nickel content block ,it yellowed but it wouldn't rust .
  12. Nice ,that is what I tried to post . The mustang monthly issue had a bit more detail but I can't find it
  13. Well crap ,sorry ,new phone and I haven't figured it out yet couldn't even send a pic in messages !
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