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Posts posted by indianfiremach

  1. Progress, besides blasting/ painting a bunch of the literally infinite number of pieces for this car...


    Seats redone with TMI covers. Had originally purchased Distinctive industries covers and returned them. It was like they have never seen a Mach 1 seat cover before and the comfortweave was WAY off in both color and texture.



    New Mustang Market door panels. Would probably go with TMI next time since installing the beltline W/S is a pain and it comes already attached to the TMI door panels. That said, these are of great quality and appearance. I still have to cut them for the door speakers.


  2. Marine teak for the 3m di-noc. It's a lot of work but great results. There's some tricks to applying it, pm me your phone number if you'd like me to walk you through. I've done a number of them and each once gets better. You have to let the air escape in the emblem area to prevent bubbles, and keep the woodgrain panel extremely clean (after you've cooked off the original woodgrain and media blasted / primed with two separate primers).


    I've used a semi-flat paint for the dash panes. They are not the same color as the plastic dash pieces and lower dash from what I've seen.

  3. It's for an auto. I need the clock side now. Not the drivers. I have the woodgrains so just looking for the clock, housing and map light. One with good tabs.



    Scott drake reproduces the clock panel and Daniel Carpenter repops the map light. Both excellent reproductions. I've never seen an original clock panel bezel with intact side tabs. They mount with six screws top and bottom so I was never really concerned about the side tabs.

  4. I used the black lacquer paint from NPD, pricey at $12/can but it looks good. I media blasted the dash first with a softer media to remove the paint and preserve the grain. I got the fold down carpet from CJ Pony Parts, it's the same ACC kit everyone else sells. It pays to let it dry first and trim the carpet almost exactly to fit so it doesn't bunch up when you put the trim on.

  5. I love the special order oddballs. Who orders a shaker but keeps the 3-speed manual? It's fun trying to figure the logic of what is going through people's heads 45 years ago as they were checking the boxes.


    Agreed - there are some odd combos out there. My 70 has the shaker, tach, tilt, fold down, convenience group, am fm, AC, ps, pdb, intermittent wipers, heck even bumper guards - and is a 351c-2v H code. The ford exec that ordered it got the car for a big discount but wanted better mileage. Grabber orange, shaker, single exhaust!

  6. Interesting - yes, post up pics and your experience with them installing. I noticed the auction on that one repo I posted the pic of closed at over $400. Pretty high demand I'd say to pay double what it could be bought for from a dealer...or maybe just another case of "eBay gone wild"


    Ill take photos this weekend when I put the wood and clock on there. First impressions are very good. $400 for one is absurd. My perfect original with new wood (di-noc) and clock (new lens) went for that. And there's only so many originals out there whereas these are available at any Scott Drake dealer.

  7. I have seen that Belts one before and have yet to figure out why the change. Here is an expensive Convenience Group harness listed on Ebay, and it has the Park light that is similar to your Belts light. http://www.ebay.com/itm/331182512514?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649


    My guess is maybe a midyear supplier change.


    Good info thanks. Shows you the quality control back then - they don't even match each other on my car.

  8. Sorry to dig this thread up but what do you guys use to clean your cladding? Indian I know yours is freshly restored but I was curious what everyone uses.


    I media blasted/ primed mine and then sanded down the primer. I think lacquer thinner works well as long as you're planning on repainting them.


    It's been a long time since I posted an update - while my car has been waiting in line at the body shop, I've finished restoring a 1952 Eska small 60 pedal tractor, mostly finished detailing the 351 cleveland, detailed the other 351 cleveland (which I'll sell), put a new interior in the '70 Corvette, and also filled the Mach's space in the garage with a '69 Mach 1 "s code" 4 speed car. Certainly been busy!


    New '69 (will likely sell):



    Finished up the dash/seats/ interior of the 'Vette:



    1970 D0AE-J 351c 4v motor:



    Just didn't want you guys to think I haven't been busy!

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