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Posts posted by therebel

  1. I run a red top in my old tractor and pickup. I heard somewhere that they hold up to vibration better than a regular battery. My tractor sits for months so they at leat mine are holding their charge. For my DDs I like NAPA, Die Hard and then Wal-Mart batteries. Of course there are a different batteries for different purposes. For a DD any battery should be fine but for competition you'll want to look for something smaller and more durable than a regular battery or red top optima.

  2. The way Sportsroof69 describes it is exactly the way to do it. You should never have to adjust hydraulics on a running motor.


    Why? I've seen professional racers do it that way and I had a service book that explains using the process as well. I don't remember the exact reasoning but I think it said something about not all lifters being equal so sometimes a little fine tuning was required.

  3. For routine maintenance adjustment on a running motor; Pull the valve cover, start the engine. Back the nut off until you here a slight ticking noise and then turn the nut in just till the noise stops. Or turn the the nut in on any of the rockers that are already ticking before backing the nut off. DO NOT turn the nut in anymore than just enough to stop the ticking noise.

  4. Do your self a favor and power the headlights off a relay. Your old wiring will thank you and it is much safer. You can buy the relays, wire, and terminals from NAPA for under $25. Also, if you want some really bright high beams, run a Wagner 4049 bulb. They are a tight fit but its the same sealed beam used in KC day lighters and they really light up the road.

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