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Brian Conway

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Brian Conway last won the day on October 13 2024

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About Brian Conway

  • Rank
    9T02R SCJ 4 Speed 9/19/68 San Diego, Ca.
  • Birthday 05/29/1948

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  • Location
    San Diego, Calif.

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  1. Keep everything that came with your car. The info you seek is stamped on the forward portion of the carb horn. The BOSS 302 Forum would be your safest bet for reliable information. Brian
  2. Before taking anything apart check the bracket locations. Measuring from the leading vertical window edge to the first bracket 3/4". Measuring from the same place the center bracket is 19" back and repeating the process last bracket is 27 1/2". Easier to demonstrate with a picture. Brian
  3. My 3A interior car; black plastic w/imitation stitched border
  4. Happy to help out. Big fan of pictures . Brian
  5. My car saw a few changes in 2024. Miles driven? 550 miles with no failures or tow trucks. I did put a full set of Koni hydraulic adjustable shocks on. Replacing the 12 year old KYB's. No noticeable change in ride or performance. I did put a couple hundred miles on the recently acquired and restored C9AF-M carb. Love that carb. Easy starts, great idle and the vacuum secondaries all preform as they should. Mileage is 6-8 mpg. Also got a Z Ray crossmember w/jack pad. Easy install and gives me that added oil pan clearance that I was needing. While the car is doing what it is supposed to, I still found a way to spend time and money on it. Hope some of you guys find the time to do some motoring with your cars. Thanks to the guys that are giving it their best to keep this site going. Best wish's for the next year. Brian
  6. My opinion? Traction will be your problem before the 8" gives you any trouble. Brian
  7. My car; running 225/70/14 tires on stock wheels KYB shocks and the Arning - Shelby 1" drop. Fronts 26". Brian
  8. Sept 2023 I got the Duralast platinum 27F-EFB at Autozone $264.50. 3 year pro-rated warrantee. The only battery I could find that would fit my tray size and cable hook up locations. Brian
  9. I have an original on my 65 and it measures the same as the Scott Drake C5ZZ-16A052-E that I got for my 69. Metal thickness measures .131/.134. Check your original metal thickness and let us know ? Brian
  10. https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=9b182bd4b539ae0aJmltdHM9MTcyNDI4NDgwMCZpZ3VpZD0yNWQyNjk4ZC0zMDk0LTYwZTctMDA1NS03ZGQ4MzExMDYxNzQmaW5zaWQ9NTIxMA&ptn=3&ver=2&hsh=3&fclid=25d2698d-3094-60e7-0055-7dd831106174&psq=chockostang+disc+brakes&u=a1aHR0cDovL3d3dy5jaG9ja29zdGFuZ2NsYXNzaWNtdXN0YW5nLmNvbS8&ntb= I suggest you ask this guy chockostang. Has a great reputation. Brian
  11. Which original booster did you get rebuild? Midland, Bendix or FoMoCo? Was you MC original and did you have it rebuilt as well? Brian
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