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About 69convert

  • Rank
    Mustang Owner


  • Biography
    1969 Mustang GT Convertible 390 4V, 4 Speed
  • Location
  • Interests
    Restoring Mustangs
  • Occupation
    Business Analyst

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  1. I am looking for the J hook that would be used for a 69 Mustang with a style steel wheel spare (like the GT's and Mach 1's). It should be 12 inches long (see pic). Would like one that has good threads, not bent and no heavy rust. Thanks.
  2. I need a set of 69 coupe/convertible rear quarter finned vents. Need all 6 mounting pins intact and need backing plates too. Thanks.
  3. Thanks unilec. I will also call Branda's and see who makes the set he sells.
  4. Thanks for taking the time to look Phil. I got (what I am hoping is) a pretty clean set of original's on eBay. Hopefully they will work.
  5. Thanks Phil. Can you tell me what brand of repro set you used? I have heard the Scott Drake set has multiple issues. George
  6. Looking for a really nice set of original 1969 M U S T A N G trunk letters. Need a full set with all the pins intact and not bent. Also, no pits, gouges or scratches. Thanks.
  7. I am looking for an original 1969 390 IP factory throttle cable bracket. The bracket would have a hump in the middle to clear the PCV nipple. See pic below. Thanks.
  8. I am looking for one original type fastener and acorn nut for the 1969 hood peak molding. I attached a picture of what it should look like. If anyone has one for sale, please let me know how much. Thanks.
  9. The map light is different between the standard and deluxe interiors and aren't interchangable. The standard interior light is longer amd narrower than the deluxe map light. I posted a picture of the standard map light below;
  10. I bought the Scott Drake set of lenses (IBL19) for my 69 Mustang with a tach dash last year and were very pleased with them. They were very good quality and fit with no issues. Not sure about the other set of lenses.
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