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Posts posted by 42ITUS

  1. These are indeed some good options Barnett!  I thought by getting the "production paint" option from Ford that it would be cheaper than the other "candy" colors, but it wasn't.  The shop showed me legit receipts for the paint (over $2K in paint supplies!!  ACK!)  The ford color is (to me) a nice mix of making the red dark enough to be pretty, but the metallic and pearl coats make it shine brilliant in the sun (it is maybe a bit too dark on a cloudy day).  The ruby red was shot as a 4-stage paint.  Ugh - no.  I never wanted to pay for all of that....  That said, I love how it came out.


    One of the best "car makeover reveal" scenes I have ever seen is here: 

    Amber Heard's color is Brandywine (mentioned above) as painted by Foose and his crew.  Beautiful.  The ruby red is a little brighter I guess, and so I am still happy with it in comparison.   One thing I have found is that these colors DO NOT photograph that well.  The pearl and metallic record poorly on the digital cameras I have used on my car.


    Anyway, I understand about the silver/grey options.  I thought about them, but I wanted a bright color, as I agree that far too many car's these days pick, black, grey, tan white colors.  I really like the paints that mini-cooper is putting on it's scooters these days - those guys have some good paint-taste.


    Best of luck 42ITUS!!  Paint is fun!  Get what you like! (it was really hard for me to figure out exactly what I really wanted - I had to try and silence all of the "advice" I was getting.... picking a color is not a "logical thing")



    Hi Jay,


    I forgot about that episode. That is possibly the most gorgeous red I've ever seen on a car. Thanks for throwing that into the ring!



  2. Thanks everyone for their input. I feel like I'm going to love whatever color I go with. I'm leaning towards the silver because I like how the black will pop against it. I also feel like the silver will tie everything in together. The chrome, my wheels, etc. 


    Thanks again and feel free to chime in and make my decision that much more difficult! But it's like picking between the hot blonde or brunette. Can't go wrong!

  3. I have my 69 Fastback about ready for new paint in the next few weeks. I was pretty much set on Ford Magnetic Gray, and going black on the headlight buckets and taillight panel. I am also planning to paint the hood black in the same design as a 69 Boss.


    I have at least a couple of weeks before I decide on the paint, but lately I'm considering going with Lexus Atomic Silver. I love the way that this paint reflects light and gives it a darker tone around the curves. So please chime in with your opinion. Lexus Atomic Silver or Ford Magnetic Gray?309029d1387667774-atomic-silver-owners-o




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