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Rcodenewf last won the day on October 31 2021

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About Rcodenewf

  • Rank
    v8 powered poster
  • Birthday 01/21/1959

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    Not Telling


  • Location
    Manitoba, Canada
  • Interests
    Mustang restoration
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  1. As the title says. NOS neutral safety switch with the factory tag still intact. I don't have the box. Came from a Ford dealership that went out of business years ago. I still have a bunch of stuff that i purchased from them. Will fit 67-69 Mustang, Cougar and Shelby. $100 US and will charge actual shipping which shouldn't be too much due to its' size. Any questions please feel free to drop me a PM. Regards, John $75 plus actual shipping. John
  2. Woodgrain is in very nice condition. Yes, both tabs will need to be repaired. Has the courtesy lite option. Mach1 emblem is very nice. The bulb socket for the courtesy light has one broken tab to keep the socket in the the hole. Might need a new pigtail. I've had this sitting since the early 90's. My fastback has the camera case finish so i have no need for it. Those are scrapes around the upper mounting holes, the black will require repainting. Not concours but certainly a nice piece. $275US plus the shipping. Any questions please feel free to drop me a pm...best regards, John
  3. Hello Tim. I believe i have a blue one from a 69 Cougar. I'm in Canada so unsure as to what the shipping would be. Can grab a few pics if you like. Best regards...John
  4. Hello jmlay. Yep! That's exactly what i was looking for. Now i see the routing of the cables through the floor supports. I'll have to check but i believe those cutouts aren't in the supports i welded in. But, from those pics i'm sure i can replicate the locations of those openings. Much appreciated! John
  5. Hello Rpm: Yes, i have that figured out..same as yours. Its when it splits into 2..From there back..that's where it isn't routing correctly. John
  6. Anyone have a pic of their ebrake cable routing ? I have the schematic but it doesn't show clearly whether it goes above the reinforcement plate or through holes in the lower seat supports. Seat supports were replaced. Thanks...John
  7. Roger that was posted in 2015. I think I have one of these if you're interested. Best regards..John
  8. I do have one with trim and bucket etc but unfortunately missing the tab. I came across a kit a while back that included a new tab and the adhesive to make it work along with instructions. Have never done it but looking at it, it certainly wasn't hard. John
  9. Pulled the trigger on the Koni's today. On sale at Summit if anyone is in the market. John
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