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LoneWolf2U got a reaction from Rocky_Rut in How do you fix steering wheel play?
Inspect steering system first, Have helper turn wheel left/right while you look at ALL of the componants.
Next loosen the locknut and screw the stud down till you feel slight resistence. Now watch the movement of the pitman arm to wheel as it is rocked left/right.
Your looking to have an almost instant responce of movement of pitman arm to steering wheel l/r.
Once you have this lock the nut down and check FULL left/right turns for binding. No binding and your done, Binding and you may need the box repaired.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from Machspeed in So Kamela and Joe...
Machspeed, Thanks for posting that list and comment it helps knowing there are some who see the future of the country and the rot within.
Those in control have opened Pandoras Box and think they have won. Sadly they did not finish reading the instructions as it warns about the true cost of opening it.
But when the bill comes due they will get what is coming to them 3 fold is Karma's rate and it does not take iou's.
LoneWolf2U reacted to Machspeed in So Kamela and Joe...
Let me say some more. Many of our representatives are flipp'in spineless! Everyone knows that this election was filled with fraud. Even the Democrats know this. It was their scheme all along. You can't change laws over night and you can't send out all those mail in ballots that require no signature verification and not know there will be fraud. And, even a little bit is bad. An election should be fair and without contestation. But, Democrats stand together in all things, even when their actions are based off blatant lies and falsehoods, i.e. .....Russian Collusion, Kavanaugh nomination, etc! Republicans, on the other hand, won't even stand together for truth! Right now, many are throwing our President under the bus and siding with the Democrats in impeachment! I despise them more than I do the Democrats. This is an outrage! I was not happy when Trump made his recent comments about VP Pence, but you know what, the more I thought about it, the more I think he was right. At the State of the Union Address, Pence stood right next to Pelosi as she tore up that speech. I don't believe for one minute that he did not see that. Right there, on the spot, he should have called her out. He's spineless.
Yeah, we're screwed now and there is no going back. Democrats will now, unopposed, do exactly what they want to do with the full backing of the lying media and the censorship of social media. The fact that the censorship is going on right now, even unto our President, should speak volumes as to where we're headed. Moreover, the Dems are going after Trump even after he leaves office. And not just Trump, but those loyal to him. I feel for the future of my children, that they will not know the America that I grew up in. What's left? Prayer!
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Explain it to me please !
So those mostly peaceful protests where they looted and burned down sections of towns was ok.
Now they show up to protest the Swamp and it is Un-American?
They show up at your home to protest in the middle of the night and that is ok, But do it in the light of day and it is illegal?
All they are asking for is them to follow the oath they took to honor the Constitution or step down.
in the words of the Quiet Riot song..... We're Not Going to Take It Anymore!
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from RPM in Explain it to me please !
So Antifa can burn and loot in cities without worry of being arrested but someone tears down a BLM banner and burns it and is charged with destruction of property and made to pay for the banner?
Our government can get nothing done to help small business but Barstool Sports can manage to get people to donate to help keep them open.
While these government clown are collecting a paycheck for doing nothing but making rules of what words can be used in bills going forward so peoples feelings don't get hurt?
Why is it the left can protest election results and claim it is for saving the nation, But when the right does it they are trying to destroy it?
Still trying to understand how a 5 decade brain dead swamp creature received more votes than Obonzo or Killery did in this election?
Must be that new math.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from Caseyrhe in California life
This is just icing on the cake of why I left Cali after 36 years.
The constant fees and taxes combined with agenda 21 rules made me look elsewhere.
Straw that broke the back was them trying to tax the water I pumped from the well on my land and the regulations on my second amendment push me out.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from Machspeed in Covid vaccine
Fully agree with this point. As the CDC has made the choice of who is first and seems that I am in the last to get section, Over 60 and white male.
But that is fine with me as its my body, My choice and they can keep the special sauce for the snowflakes.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from RPM in California life
This is just icing on the cake of why I left Cali after 36 years.
The constant fees and taxes combined with agenda 21 rules made me look elsewhere.
Straw that broke the back was them trying to tax the water I pumped from the well on my land and the regulations on my second amendment push me out.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Covid vaccine
Tell them it is against your spiritual beliefs to violate your body.
Time to use their rules against them.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Covid vaccine
Fully agree with this point. As the CDC has made the choice of who is first and seems that I am in the last to get section, Over 60 and white male.
But that is fine with me as its my body, My choice and they can keep the special sauce for the snowflakes.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from Caseyrhe in Life’s Challenges
Thanks for the good news for a change in all of this swirling crap.
Next step is keeping your support up as things move forward, Being a solid rock for her to lean on is very important so thumbs up to you!
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from RPM in Covid vaccine
Fully agree with this point. As the CDC has made the choice of who is first and seems that I am in the last to get section, Over 60 and white male.
But that is fine with me as its my body, My choice and they can keep the special sauce for the snowflakes.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from newstang in Explain it to me please !
Stick a fork in us because we are done! They say we are a country ruled by law, But they refuse to follow those laws.
When the top court that is supposed to protect the peoples rights refuse to hear the complaints of the people that their rights have been violated.
Its a sad day when you look back to those who sent the letter of independence to the King declaring we are now free people that have the will and control of our own life only to have it tossed aside by the new ruling class by calling it a New Reset for the New World Order.
Its sad for all that have given so much for so many to have freedom only to have it replaced with a Socialist control idea of the haves and have nots.
I suppose that if your on the have side it may be fine and all is good and comfortable. But if your on the have not side it will be more pain and strife just to make it one more day.
I have never been in the have side, It has been over a half century of hard work just to live, provide and raise a family.
I never expected a hand out even when i watched many around me grab it up and expected more as some sort of right.
The barter system is the basic of equal life of give and get so both sides gain. When you move to only a one sided system no one will survive long.
This new Reset is a socialist system touting equal for everyone, But to work is has to use the barters basic rule to work, This means you have to give equally to your take or it will not last. The problem will come when those who feel they have the right to take without giving anything back which will lead to the ones giving to stop and everyone loses.
What makes it even worse is the ruling class will not do without, No they will bring back slavery dressed in a pretty package and the sheep will follow.
I will not be a sheep or slave but will resist and defend my choice of freedom.
Good luck to you all.
LoneWolf2U reacted to mustangstofear in So Kamela and Joe...
Great gobs of goose droppings, how in God's name could anyone possibly think this threat could be interpreted 2 ways
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in So Kamela and Joe...
But the left can do it anyway and its all fine just like Maxcine's call to get into Trump supporters faces and cause a scene with threats.
Sorry to bust your bubble but these days anyone can be found with a little digging on the internet.
The wife's new washer took a dump after 2 months and all she got was the run around from the factory help line.
In less than 45 minutes of searching I found the COE of Whirlpool's home number and address and gave it to her, The washer was fixed less than 48 hours later.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Is anyone out there?
Been too busy adding extra mouse traps to the property line.
Prepping for the melting snowflakes.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in So Kamela and Joe...
So the media runs 95% negative comments on Trump for over 4 years now and you say its a 2 way street?
Then answer this simple question, What did the Obama/Biden run of 8 years do that was a plus for the people of America?
Trump has made more changes in the time he has been in office that has helped all American people than any politican has ever done.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from RPM in Explain it to me please !
So a virus made in a China lab and released by them is Trumps fault? And when he bans travel from said country he is called racist!
As he gathers medical pros to figure out best plan of attack while the left is spouting Go have dinner and dance in the streets.
And when he goes to the cabinet that is supposed to have emergency supplies in it, The thing is BARE!
Yes both the left and right deep state politicians have done nothing but push back against ANY thing he was trying to do to help the people.
Like get funds to help the pushed out of work by this virus, As the pundits fill any bill with pork for their side bailing out or supporting their special interests.
Please explain why a simple bill needs the pork?
But Trump did fail at the health care reform, Maybe not his fault but those turncoats that slashed it to keep it from passing.
As the election goes there is a skunk in the booth and it needs to be put down.
Please continue the debate with facts not media propaganda talking points.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Explain it to me please !
Care to expand on this comment?
I may not be his biggest fan of his tweets, But he does follow thru on what he said to get elected. Can't say that about many of the elected.
And please do not say the pandemic is his fault unless you have a better idea of fixing it.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Bronco
New building is looking sweet! Good choice staying out of California or your taxes would be paying for the dems trip to HI while your under lock down waiting your building to be built.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from RPM in Explain it to me please !
So watching the vote tally and I see that there is close to 15 million more votes than in 2016.
Tossing out a guess, I would say that it is from the younger crowd of under 25-30 year olds.
They fell for the lefts its all going to be free for you, No more college payments and free medical and such for you all.
Problem is it doesn't add up to reality. They use their new math that does not show the bottom line answer.
You want all the free stuff but never ask how it will be paid for, You just expect its your right to have it.
Sorry to bust your happy bubble but YOU will be footing the bill for the rest of your life!
To keep it simple for those college grads, Look at the supply and demand side of what your expecting.
Your demands will surpass the supply available within days if not hours.
You need to have those who are producing to supply funds into the cash pie.
But your demands are 10 times greater than the production can cover, Because those who were producing figured out that those who are demanding are not adding to the cash pie, So they have quit and joined the ranks of the demanding.
Now there is nothing to draw from and NO ONE gets anything, Sorry the math proves it will not work and you got what you voted for. Enjoy!
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from RPM in Explain it to me please !
LoL ya'all are late to the party, the stock up time was back when the last moron got re-elected, It was much cheaper then and ups guy needed a back brace for my deliveries.
I just need more fuel storage for the backhoe, Takes a lot to dig all those holes.
So why can Rosetta and babble teach us a new language but can't teach english to the rest of them?
Why as you run from the law because of warrants for your arrest and you fight them, You are the poor misunderstood sole?
So its ok for you all to riot and cause terror in the streets, But I can not stand in line to vote?
Most of these idiots crying about slavery fail to understand the Democrats brought back slavery in the 60's, It was called the DRAFT! Don't tell me it wasn't the same i was caught up in it.
If these fools want to burn everything down, Just where are they going to live?
Who came up with the idea that we should care what some spoiled hollywood or music clown or sports baby think.
Most could not truly come up with a thought of their own in the first place.
Why does these morons rioting are all for it till someone hands them their ass, Then they want the police there to save them.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from Machspeed in So Kamela and Joe...
Sadly Ridge your not wrong there but will the people stand for it?
I received 5 ballots in the mail, One was for a previous owner that has not been here cense 1992.
3 ballots are for deceased voters and one was for me that I did not ask for as I vote in person.
But I am supposed to believe the mass media that this is a fair and open election?
reported to the state but not heard a word from them.
LoneWolf2U got a reaction from mustangstofear in Explain it to me please !
So watching the vote tally and I see that there is close to 15 million more votes than in 2016.
Tossing out a guess, I would say that it is from the younger crowd of under 25-30 year olds.
They fell for the lefts its all going to be free for you, No more college payments and free medical and such for you all.
Problem is it doesn't add up to reality. They use their new math that does not show the bottom line answer.
You want all the free stuff but never ask how it will be paid for, You just expect its your right to have it.
Sorry to bust your happy bubble but YOU will be footing the bill for the rest of your life!
To keep it simple for those college grads, Look at the supply and demand side of what your expecting.
Your demands will surpass the supply available within days if not hours.
You need to have those who are producing to supply funds into the cash pie.
But your demands are 10 times greater than the production can cover, Because those who were producing figured out that those who are demanding are not adding to the cash pie, So they have quit and joined the ranks of the demanding.
Now there is nothing to draw from and NO ONE gets anything, Sorry the math proves it will not work and you got what you voted for. Enjoy!