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Everything posted by newstang

  1. well, for starters some states do not require an ID to vote. so just about anyone can vote there. then just look at how this mail in crap worked out. ½ this country thinks this election was stolen. the other half is content because it was in their favor. but for 4 years they cried it was Russian interference. Well what if this election has had interference by Russia, notice how all of a sudden that is no longer a problem. they used this virus as an excuse not to go out to vote, but they have no problem going out everywhere else.
  2. yes, it is much different, thats how the democrats cheated the election
  3. newstang

    58 Tbird

    Just an update on this money pit pig. gave it a quick paint touchup, fixed some rot spots, reman the trans and freshened up the 352. Also did hydroboost because i had an extra laying around. Tomorrow it gets the new radiator and disk brake conversion. So much for just a quick n dirty fix. I taught my grandson to operate the levers on the forklift and he lowered it while I lined it up/
  4. She threatened Lives, this is the LEAST i can do.
  5. https://www.oann.com/mich-democrat-urges-violence-against-trumpers/ Just in case anyone wants to send a Christmas card to this ........ MI Congresswomen who threatened us Cynthia Johnson [edited]
  6. found this, but again, you add up the sections your into it for a ton of $$ https://www.crushproof-hose.com/?keyword=exhaust hoses&matchtype=e&device=c&adposition=&creative=270402815689&network=g&campaignid=41357439&adgroupid=1608147999&gclid=CjwKCAiAwrf-BRA9EiwAUWwKXgmXFI4JCWW0P997hn4Y2v_VEf2j2dg22h5mCB9wwNgelwbUrcEHVRoCz9sQAvD_BwE
  7. ive been looking for that too, those flex tubes are crazy expensive. the main part is pretty cheap to make. it can be made with pvc and a draft inducer like this one, but the rubber tubes are too much. https://www.tjernlund.com/draftinducer.htm
  8. https://parler.com/post/0820b12c4c3f45bdbb13d9522cb8b5c8 interesting and happening
  9. Bought this from HodgeTwins
  10. Congrats! Hope you didnt sell it to a commie :-)
  11. https://justthenews.com/government/local/cincinnati-city-councilman-becomes-third-group-be-arrested-corruption-charges-year
  12. I found something that we can all agree upon
  13. Just remember, criminals will always have guns, they dont abide by that silly little laws. As RPM said, all the most restricted places in the US are the highest in murder rates. NYC, Chicago, LA not good places to be with these garbage mayors and Gov's that put in restrictive laws. Of course, all those places are Democrat run.
  14. I do, and I am ( was) the police. mass shootings are not what im referring to. of course you can walk into a school with defenseless kids or an office which prohibits weapons. I'm talking about on a normal street in anywhere USA ( except NYC ) armed citizens Do neutralize perps. BTW, i was under the impression that you are not permitted to have guns in Australia. One of my favorites.... 2018-04-04-VIDEO-00002651.mp4
  15. I use only ni-copp it bends beautifully and does not rust.
  16. Shouldnt we start saying Impeach by now?
  17. sorry, i may have went on a rant and forgot what i was saying. In Austria the other night, a terrorist took to the streets and from what I understand began killing. It is far more unlikely for a situation like that to happen in the US because a gunman may get a few shots out, but would be terminated by armed citizens. My point is we can not depend on govt to protect us, we must protect ourselves. When i say the left I refer to Democrats and we are the Right. ( and may i say we are always right :-)
  18. https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2866309830310959
  19. yea, all the places that suck to live, why dont we push the others to the center so we can take the dry warm climates :-)
  20. No question Trump is severely full of shit, but you do see that every media outlet walks on eggshels for Biden and Trump is just their feelings right?
  21. so you understand, every move to the left is in fact getting closer to communism for us. what we specifically do not want in this country is to be like Europe. As you know, this country was founded to get away from Englands rule and our rights and freedoms are something everyone wants. For example, the left wants to take away our guns. This is so they make us as weak as europe. A country without a defense will certainly be controlled by government, as well as be reliant on the govt to protect us. As you just saw in Austria. This divide is by design. Divide the people into two groups and let them fight. Before the election of trump this country had two sides, but they both sucked. no one cared because you got what you got and nothing would change. Now the swamp (which is both sides) lets us hate each other and do whatever keeps them in there for life. We have nothing against socialism, if someone wants it, this country is not it. They a free to get the F..k out and go to several countries that have it.
  22. The question that can not ever be explained is how 50% of the country wants to open the door to Communism.
  23. im a bit confused, how is D.C have their own votes, they are not. a state.
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