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Everything posted by bswor

  1. I'll do some more testing but it seems to be working. The emails sometimes goto your spam or junk folder. Mad did contact me which is the reason I got ahold of you.
  2. The sites banner/logo is a little dated in my opinion. If we have anyone with skills who is willing to design a new one let me know. It could also potentially make it on an upcoming 69stang tshirt.
  3. Nothing is gone yet. Your folder may be under a sub album? Do you remember the title?
  4. I have set the posts to unarchive. Let me know if this solves the issue. Some of the posts are from 2004 so they were archived.
  5. There was a problem during the conversion. I am still working with support to fix it. I'll update here when I know something.
  6. All posts were supposed to be copied over. I've been talking with support and we are working on the random attachments issue. I'll be sure to ask them about the posts. Its going to be a slow process with work on my end the next couple of weeks. The old board is still intact so worse case we start this board fresh with the old boards info. Stay tuned
  7. There is no download option for number 1. You would have to manually do it.
  8. A few will still get through but so far thi board is doing a better job. There are still some tweaks that need to be done on my end.
  9. So I was currently in the process of upgrading the old gallery to the latest version which then might allow me to use a third party tool to convert it to this forums gallery, but, even if I do that its not going to assign them to your individual user names without creating a big database mess. With that said if you want to grab your old gallery photos and upload them here please goto: www.1969stang.com/g1/ Once your here find your album and you can download the photos directly from that page or take note of the album name and go here: http://1969stang.com/albums/ then search the list for that folder. If you have hidden folders and or albums you will not be able to download them using method #2. Sorry to have to make you guys do it this way, but its for the best in the end. Thanks Ben.
  10. There was a limit in place. Try now.
  11. I'm just making this post so it is easy for me to mark them off one by one. I'm currently looking into converting the gallery over which is my main task before I go back to work as I should be able to fix all the forum problems from any device. Thanks for reposting everything here guys!
  12. Pak only admins and mods can login to the old forum. I may open it up so users can retrieve any missing info.
  13. Maintenance Window: Start - Saturday 1/17/15 @ 10:00PM EST Finish - Sunday 1/18/15 @ 12:00AM EST This is per my hosting company.
  14. What? I'll add it to the list of things to look at but that is bizarre to say the least. I'm recovering from a surgery so I won't be able to work on any of these issues for a few days guys so bare with me.
  15. I'll take a look at it later today, thanks
  16. I'm posting here for visibility. Someone offered to talk to him about spammers. I need to email him or have him email me. If you can make that happen please let me know.
  17. I did set up archiving, I will adjust it back.
  18. What site links are you referring to? If it's linking to the old forum posts, then no, they will not work. I'll look into the subscriptions issue but I'm fairly certain the answer is that they cannot be carried over.
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