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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/16/2018 in all areas

  1. 1 point

    Which headlights are bright and fit?

    My 69 certainly has a lot of problems but luckily the headlights aren't one of them. I used the Mustang Project LED lights. I haven't had a chance to get the beam patterns that Mach1Driver requested - I guess I just don't have the desire to go through all the trouble - but I can tell you I drove 1290 miles last weekend in the car and the headlights work fantastic. I don't get any complaints from other drivers and on the dark roads, of which I drove probably a dozen hours on, my beam pattern looked much like my wife's 2010 F150. I'm not a lighting expert but given my experiences, they just plain work for me. Now before I sound like an endorsement for Mustang Project, I can tell you that I just threw their rear LED tail lights in the trash. I've only had them for 2-3 years but the design was poor and trouble prone for a car that gets driven a lot. david
  2. 1 point
    When an impending accident is about to occur in front of you, the order is: brake to the floor, then steer away from the accident, then brace yourself. Some prefer: steer away, then press the go-pedal, and then brace yourself for the ticket.
  3. 1 point

    Grille trim

    I took fine wet and dry sandpaper and sanded off the clear anodizing coating which left a pure aluminum finish. This aluminum is an almost deadsoft aluminum and can be polished up easily by hand. I clearcoated mine after polishing it (use a good degreaser/wax remover before clearcoating it to remove any wax residue from the polish. I drove the car to shows for about 5 years with no degradation .
  4. 1 point
    Mach1 Driver

    Which headlights are bright and fit?

    I misspelled it, it is Cibie. By the way, the 4 stock 69 lights have a total of 6 filaments, and it needs to be reconfigured to only 4 filaments when installing the relays for the halogens. I edited my first post and added schematics.

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